I teach my clients how to think differently, feel differently, and take action differently. Life is full of problems, curveballs, and transitions – I help you stay stay calm and make decisions with confidence.

I’m Lindsay. I’m a lot of things, just like you.

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, an athlete, an entrepreneur, a gym owner, a coach, a master coach trainer, a mentor, a motivator, a fitness instructor, a yoga teacher, one heck of a puzzle and problem solver, and someone who likes to kick butt and have fun.

I’m a lifelong learner and I get really nerdy when it comes to learning and teaching about the brain, psychology, and fitness & wellness.

I have a BA in Psychology & Education from Cornell University and two Master’s Degrees in Psychology and Counseling from the University of Pennsylvania. I’m a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation, and a Certified Group Fitness Instructor and Nutrition Specialist through the American Council on Exercise. I’ve been coaching clients for a decade and have the honor of training coaches for Coach Training EDU.

I also experience the full range of human emotions, just like you. Yes, despite my generally optimistic and energetic nature, I, too, often experience worry, fear, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, stress, and even those “blah” days where I want to do nothing. Managing my mind through coaching, fitness, and my STRIVE tools help me handle it all.

Mindset coaching and fitness are my true passion and what I am so lucky to be able to share with my clients. Coaching and fitness are what help me grow stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally through my toughest challenges. It can help you, too.

Coaching has taught me that just because my age is going UP doesn’t mean my strength and fitness has to go DOWN. In fact, I feel stronger, healthier, and more confident than ever. I teach my clients that this is possible for you, too!

I’ve been through some tough life experiences. Most significantly, my husband, Matt, was paralyzed in a freak kayaking accident one month after I gave birth to our son in 2014. Yep. Parenthood and paralysis, all in one month. It was devastating. It was hard.

But rather than stay stuck, settle to simply survive, or surrender to self-pity and the victim mentality of “Why me?”, we chose to turn a catastrophic life event into an incredible future we otherwise would not have discovered. Instead we asked, “Why not me?” (see the thought switch there?!) and decided to make it mean something incredible and to strive for impossible goals.

We spent two years away from our home as Matt battled to walk again. During this time, we decided we wanted to go home and stay home, and we also realized how we wanted to help others through coaching, fitness, and training. So, we took the plunge and built our own training center, Stand Strong. We built it from scratch with a passion and commitment to help others build strength for life.

It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t always pretty, and it wasn’t always fun. But it has been TOTALLY worth it.

My guess is that you’ve been through some tough life experiences, too. How do I know this? Because life happens to all of us. Everyone has a story.  Everyone has a struggle (and usually more than one, and you probably have one right this very moment, right?).

Life is not easy for anyone, but here are two secrets I know:

1) Life is not supposed to be easy AND

2) Life never gives us more than we can handle.

(Our brains like to to tell us otherwise, but trust me on these two things.)

The good news is that the tools you’ll learn to apply in Stand Strong STRIVE will help you face everything life has to throw at you head on. They will help you overcome any obstacle, find peace where you thought you never could, and move forward into the most kickass version of yourself you likely have never even YET imagined (and how fun is THAT to think about?!).

I know this because I’ve been through it. I’ve used these tools and I STILL use them daily. You can do it, too.

Matt and I created Stand Strong Training Center, where we train people of all ages and abilities to get physically fit and build strength for life.

Stand Strong STRIVE is the next level. It is where women like us, of all ages and stages, are empowered to take our lives to the next level physically, mentally, AND emotionally in any and all areas we choose. It is where we endeavor together to pursue our potential and reach impossible goals. I am so ready to see what’s possible for you, and I know you are, too

Yes, it might feel scary to embark on this path of personal growth.

But I promise you it’s the GOOD kind of scary.

The uncomfortable but necessary kind of fear that you must push through to see what’s possible on the other side.

And now is exactly the right time to do it, and I’ve got your back the whole way.

Stop waiting and wishing for what’s possible, and let’s get started on making it happen, one step at a time.

Let’s DO this.

What I’ve learned from coaching, and what I teach my clients, is how to manage my thoughts so that I can stop running on autopilot, stop reacting to the whims of the outside world, and to instead live fully in the driver’s seat of my own life and create what truly matters to me. It has helped me launch successful businesses, while also building a stronger relationship with my husband and my child AND finding time for me (I’m an introvert and ME time is critical!).